
New Feature: Performance Schedule page

Filed under: Uncategorized — WildfireWeaver @ 10:47 am  

Good news – I’ve just added a handy-dandy new “Performance Schedule” page, listing the date and location of upcoming and previous events all in one place. I’ll be updating the page as I schedule new performances.

The website is coming along nicely! I’ve got a photo shoot scheduled for later this week, so I’ll have new photos for each of the fire tools I use and hopefully figure out how to add a photo gallery page.

And eventually (fingers crossed) I’ll be able to add a few videos to the site as well!


Safety tip: Don’t use superglue with fire tools

Filed under: community,fire tools,gear repair,safety — Tags: , , , — WildfireWeaver @ 4:43 pm  

Everyone needs to repair the wicked portions of their fire gear at some point. Maybe your snakes are fraying or the heads of your staff are getting a little loose. But when you reach into your repair kit, leave the superglue alone. Aside from releasing fumes that could irritate the eyes, nose and throat, the flames will cause a nasty chemical reaction in the glue that can damage your gear, turning a simple fix into an expensive replacement.

Instead, use wood glue (such as Elmer’s) when making repairs to your fire gear. Exposure to flame will cure the glue and get it to seal all the right spots securely. Just apply the glue, let it dry, then dip the wick into your fuel, light the wick for a few minutes and extinguish.

Remember, spin safely to protect yourself and protect the community!

This safety tip has been brought to you by the folks at Pyrotechniq.


August Full Moon Jam is here!

Come out tonight and enjoy the best kept secret in Chicago community entertainment.

When the sun goes down around 7:30pm, the gathering of Chicago and nearby Midwest area fire spinners will commence with music, dancing and of course – FIRE! Many of the performers are preparing to head west to Burning Man, so help us give them a fantastic send off on their journey to Black Rock City.

I just finished wrapping the hilt of my fire sword with gaffer’s tape to improve the grip. I can’t wait to break that bad boy out tonight!

The jam takes place in the park along the lakefront just SOUTH of Foster Ave (NOT Foster Ave Beach). There is parking along Simonds Drive or you can take the Red line/151 bus/146 bus to Argyle and walk EAST through the park and under Lake Shore Drive.

Bring friends, family, a picnic blanket and your camera. No alcohol, please. Remember, this is a Leave No Trace event – you pack it in, you pack it out, and if you see any trash on the field, please help out by throwing it away.

The jam will end promptly at 10:15pm. Please be aware that the police will hand out tickets if you are in the park after it closes at 11pm.

The jams are not sponsored by the City of Chicago. They are FREE events organized by the fire spinning community so that we can share our art and passion with others. Hope to see you there!


Spinning LED poi in north Lakeview this Thursday night

Come see me spin to the musical stylings of my close friend and folk singer/songwriter extraordinare, Dawn Xiana Moon, at Martyrs’ Restaurant & Pub in north central Lakeview. Dawn will be playing with her trio and if you haven’t heard her before, you’re in for a treat. Her music is a unique blend of jazz, blues and even Chinese folk music (with a smattering of French for good measure). It’s not unusual for her to sing in three different languages over the course of one evening.

Also, it’s her birthday and she’s providing treats! So come out and join the celebration as she shares what she loves doing most.

She’ll be followed by Ben Keeler & the 500 Club (10pm) and 3 in Counting (11pm).

Doors at 8pm, show starts at 9pm.

Tickets are $7 in advance or at the door.

Hope to see you there!


Reminder: August Full Moon Jam on Tuesday, Aug. 24

The final Full Moon Jam of the summer is coming up in two days.  If you’re free this Tuesday evening around sunset, come up to the lakefront park just south of Foster Ave. and east of Lake Shore Drive to see some amazing fire performances by Chicago and midwest area fire spinners. The jams are free to the community, family-friendly, Leave No Trace events. For full details of the jams, go here.

As always, I’ll be there with poi, fans, staff and the new fire sword. Come out and enjoy some of the finest community performance art Chicago has to offer. Hope to see you there!


If you’re looking for circus or burlesque entertainment, check this out

Filed under: clubs,fire performance,performance — Tags: , , — WildfireWeaver @ 2:16 pm  

If you’re in the mood for some freaky cool entertainment this weekend, I’ve got just the thing for you.

Fellow Chicago Fire Triber Jen Dollface will be performing tonight at two different venues.

Go to Big Top JoJo’s Phenomenal Phantasmagoria tonight at Excalibur downtown from 8-10 for some amazing specialty acts, including burlesque, theater, comedy and more!

You can buy advanced tickets to the show here or tickets will be available at the door as well.

And for you night owls, you can see Dollface perform her first fire show at the 1901 Gallery’s In the Dark: Hotter than Hell show at midnight. $15 donation at the door, BYOB.

Come on out and support your local performance artists!

Break a leg, Dollface!

The big finale at the Denton-Smith wedding

Filed under: LED poi,non-burning performance,performance,poi,wedding — Tags: , , , , , , — WildfireWeaver @ 8:42 am  

Mike Denton (left) and Lee Smith (right) tie the knot on the beach.

When my husband and I got married back in 2007, our friends Mike and Lee caught the garter and bouquet at our reception. A few short months later, Mike proposed to Lee and as of June 12, 2010, they tied the knot on a beach at the tip of Cape Cod in Provincetown, MA. Without a doubt, this was one of the most artistic weddings I have ever been to – the ceremony featured performances by two of their friends playing guitar and singing (they also performed at the reception), Mike and his a cappella group did a few fantastic numbers, and yours truly was asked to close out the night with an LED poi performance. The grooms had originally hoped for a fire performance, but regulations at the reception site nixed that idea, which ultimately wasn’t a bad thing because in typical New England fashion, there was rain – and lots of it (thankfully the downpour held off until just after the wedding party was done with post-ceremony photos!).

Now, I love spinning fire, but LED does have some distinct advantages – mainly that you can wear whatever you want and do whatever you want with your hair (and in this case I didn’t have to take time out from enjoying the reception for a costume change) and there are no smoke/ventilation issues that can come up when spinning fire indoors. Plus, that seven-color fade/change does look pretty damn cool creating shifting streams of color in a darkened room.

Mike and Lee have diverse tastes in music, which made selecting performance pieces rather fun. The grooms told me I could do a set up to 15 minutes long (about 3-4 songs) and while I’m in good shape, I’m not THAT good, so we took it down to 2 pieces that combined their preference for Celtic music and my weakness for 80s hairbands: Loreena McKennitt’s “Mummer’s Dance” (4:01) and Motley Crue’s “Kickstart My Heart” (5:42). Yes, it’s an odd combination, but the slower rhythms of McKennitt’s haunting music made for a good build up to the explosive guitar riffs of what is my favorite song by the Crue. I think it’s safe to say that is the single longest continuous set of spinning poi that I have ever done, but even though by the end my arms were about ready to fall off, the clapping and cheering of the guests and wedding party – and the big “thank you” hugs from Mike & Lee – made it all worth it.

The wedding photographer, Zachary Stephens, got some fantastic shots of my performance, including an extremely cool black and white photo (I honestly didn’t know it was possible to get a shot like that of LED poi turn out that well in B&W). Zachary has been kind enough to let me post those photos here. So for those of you in the New England area looking for a fabulous event/wedding photographer, be sure to check this guy out!

Congratulations, Mike & Lee, and thank you so much for letting me share in your celebration like this! May you enjoy a long and happy marriage. I love you both.


Spotlighting fire spinning in Chicago

Chicago’s premiere fire troupe, Pyrotechniq, was featured on Chicago Revealed, a local cable network program. You can view Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

If you’re eagle-eyed, there’s a teeny tiny short clip of yours truly spinning poi at a Full Moon Jam around the 0.45 sec mark in Part 1, look for the blue & black bandana. Hey, it’s still a moment, however brief, of cable TV fame.

Congratulations on the exposure, Pyrotechniq!