
Time to renew your policy

Filed under: community,performance,safety — Tags: — WildfireWeaver @ 9:06 am  

It’s that time of year again: fire performance insurance through Specialty Insurance is set to renew on MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2011, so be sure to get your renewal/application form and policy check in the mail. You can find the application here.

The 2011-2012 policy period will run from April 25, 2011 – April 24, 2012. Insurance for this 12-month period is $215. Please note: Specialty Insurance does not accept debit or credit cards, you need to send a check or money order VIA mail service; expect processing to take about a week.

The 2011 – 2012 shared policy limits of coverage for all members are as follows:

Each Occurrence: $3,000,000 (bodily injury & property damage to others)
Damage to Rented Premises: $100,000 (to rented premises)
Personal & Advertising Injury: $3,000,000 (hurting someone’s feelings)
General Aggregate: $5,000,000 (the most the policy will pay out during the policy year)
Products – Completed Op. Agg.: $5,000,000 (the most the policy will pay out during the policy year)
Medical Expenses: $5,000 (emergency medical to others injured by you)

There are also 6-, 3- and 1-month policy periods at a sliding scale cost.

For those who prefer to purchase insurance on an event-to-event basis rather than annual coverage, the cost for insurance is $125/per person per event, and once issued, the certificate of insurance will expire after seven days. So if you’re looking to perform more than once a year, the annual coverage policy really is your best bet.

The policy isn’t cheap, but that’s the thing about insurance – no one really thinks that they need the coverage, until they do, and suddenly they’re staring at a potentially enormous pile of liability costs.

So protect yourself and protect the community: renew your performance insurance today.


Safety tip: Don’t use superglue with fire tools

Filed under: community,fire tools,gear repair,safety — Tags: , , , — WildfireWeaver @ 4:43 pm  

Everyone needs to repair the wicked portions of their fire gear at some point. Maybe your snakes are fraying or the heads of your staff are getting a little loose. But when you reach into your repair kit, leave the superglue alone. Aside from releasing fumes that could irritate the eyes, nose and throat, the flames will cause a nasty chemical reaction in the glue that can damage your gear, turning a simple fix into an expensive replacement.

Instead, use wood glue (such as Elmer’s) when making repairs to your fire gear. Exposure to flame will cure the glue and get it to seal all the right spots securely. Just apply the glue, let it dry, then dip the wick into your fuel, light the wick for a few minutes and extinguish.

Remember, spin safely to protect yourself and protect the community!

This safety tip has been brought to you by the folks at Pyrotechniq.