Lakes of Fire tickets on sale today!
Tickets for Lakes of Fire, the Great Lakes Regional Burning Man event, go on sale today at 12pm EST. Go here to Black Rock Tickets to make your purchase. Please note: There will be absolutely no ticket purchases at the event gate! Tickets sold out last year well ahead of the event, so get ’em while they’re hot!
Tier 1 tickets for attendees 13+: $35
Tier 2 tickets for attendees 13+: $50
Tickets for children 12 and under: free
I attended Lakes of Fire last year – it was my first Burning Man event ever – and the experience was amazing. The creativity on display was inspiring and the atmosphere was as friendly as you could hope for. Although by the end of the festival I was DYING for a shower. Thankfully this year there will be an actual lake to go swimming in!
Event description (from Lakes of Fire):
Lakes of Fire 2011: Anima Mundi is an outdoor art and camping event occuring at Lucky Lake campground in 3977 W. Wilke Rd., Montague, MI 49437. Event dates are Noon, Thursday June 23 – 3:00 PM, Sunday June 26, 2011. Read and follow the survival guide to prepare for this event: . We are a 100% volunteer produced event and count on your participation to co-create Lakes of Fire. Your art, workshops, theme camps, and volunteerism make Lakes of Fire. This is a Leave No Trace event come prepared to handle all of your own survival and comfort needs and to remove and properly dispose of all of your own trash and recycling.
[…] Regional Burning Man event, Lakes of Fire, have just been released. You can read about it here on Wildfire Weaver, the website for my fire dancing performance/industry […]